The Third Sector

Whether you are a charity, social enterprise or a think tank. Being purpose and value driven, you devote yourself to solving a problem that have a massive impact be it at a local, national or global level. Your aim is never to make a personal profit, however making surpluses (or ‘profits’) is key to being financially sustainable. Lack of funding is one of the biggest challenges facing your sector. Grants and donations are often unpredictable, and it can be difficult to secure enough funding to cover all the organization’s expenses and rising operating costs. Therefore, it is critical to develop a sound multiyear growth and income generation strategy. It would therefore be particularly valuable for Leadership (CEO and or leadership team) to seek commercial coaching.

Our solutions

  • Sustainable Growth strategy
  • Income generation strategy
  • Leadership commercial coaching

Why GroWorth?

The first-hand experience of being a Trustee for two Charities- the Think Equal UK board, a global not-for-profit charity whose mission it is, to promote equality from a young age and a Trustee in the Think Ahead board, a charity that focuses on and aids in building a thriving mental health work force in the UK, I acutely understand the challenges facing the Chief Executive and board. The private sector experience of leading and growing businesses and my trustee experience both combined gives me the right perspective and expertise in supporting the Third Sector Leadership, as a sounding board, as a coach, as someone that can constructively challenge the current thinking and approach with a view to setting you up for success and long term sustainable profit that you can re-invest into the organisation for the greater good.


I believe that every organisation is unique, and your challenge may depend on your current state of funding and ambition for expansion. Therefore, it is my endeavour that I understand you, your context and work through the approach that best fits. My approach is very hands on and experiential. In the first introductory call/meeting, we will focus on validating if I would be the right fit for your organisation and your situation. Once we both agree, I will work with you with an absolute aim to see you unlock your/your organisation’s potential. After all, your success will create a positive ripple in our society, nation and broader world.